Department of Health
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A Tasmanian Government and Community Partnership
Wildcare’s Get Outside with Community program holds yearly leadership camps to develop the skills of emerging young leaders. Through the Healthy Tasmania funded camps, the Get Outside with Community program trained 16 new leaders last year, who have since gone on to lead more than 13 walks and events around Tasmania.
Get Outside leaders have the opportunity to get out in nature at the multiday camp and learn the skills needed to lead bushwalks. Late last year, new leaders experienced the beauty of Ben Lomond National Park, participating in games, walks, mentoring activities, reflective writing and yoga to help them connect with nature and develop their leadership skills. Despite the yoga session having to be completed on the top of Ben Lomond in a shipping container to avoid a blizzard, participants were enthusiastic about their experience. One young leader described their experience as ‘Amazing the best experience ever’ with many providing positive feedback and praising the organisers.
Healthy Tasmania is pleased to be helping fund the camps again this year, as leaders not only provide access to their communities, role modelling and organisational assistance to Wildcare, but lead walks and events that take new migrants and refugees into nature safely.
image: Ben Lomond Leadership Camp participants